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顶序(Top Lane): 指的是上路的顺序,比如“I'll go top, you take mid”。

中间(Mid Lane): 这里通常指中路,例如“I'm going mid, what about you?”。

BOT下路(Bottom Lane): 通常指下路双人组,例如"Both of us will be on bot"。

SUP(Support): 辅助位置,比如"You'll be the support, I'll be the main carry"。

丛林(Jungle, JUG): 指打野区,玩家通常会说"I'm going jungle to secure the buff"。

WTF: 表示惊讶或不解,像是"Wait, what? That didn't happen"。

HHH: 数字多代表嘲讽程度加深,比如"Three Hs, you're really getting on my nerves"。

AFK: 离线,"I was AFK, sorry for the delay",意味着可能暂时离开游戏。

Noob: 菜鸟,用来形容技术不精的队友,"That was a noob move, we need to communicate better"。

馈线(Feed): 送分,"You're feeding the enemy team, let's try to turn it around"。

X/ty: 谢谢,"No problem, X/ty",是“thank you”的缩写。

Np: 没问题,"NP, it's all good"。

Oof: 系统死亡音效,表达责任归属,"Oof, I messed up"。

Brb: 稍后回来,"I'll be right back, just taking care of something"。

男爵(Baron): 大龙,"Let's focus on taking out the Baron, it's game-changing"。
