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人教版高中英语选修九(Book 9 Unit 2)

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人教版高中英语选修九(Book 9 Unit 2)-第1张-游戏信息-龙启网




1.voyage n.航海;航行

2.mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;怜悯→merciful adj.仁慈的

3.alongside prep.靠着;沿着adv.在旁边;沿着边

4.exploration n.探险;探测→explorer n.探险者;勘探者;考察者→explore v.勘探;探索;调查研究

5.minimum adj.最小的;最低的

6.pole n.地极;柱;杆

7.horizon n.地平线;视野

8.nowhere adv.无处

9.offshore adj.离岸的;海面上的

10.outward adj.外面的;向外的adv.向外;在外

11.secure adj.安全的;可靠的→securely adv.安全地;可靠地→security n.安全;可靠

12.random adj.任意的;随便的→randomly adv.随便地;任意地

13.awkward adj.难使用的;笨拙的→awkwardly adv.笨拙地;尴尬地→awkwardness n.笨拙;尴尬

14.reference n.参考→refer v.参考;查阅

15.precise adj.精确的;准确的

16.simplify v.使简化;使简易

17.portable adj.便携式的;手提的

18.shortcoming n.缺点;短处

19.update vt.更新

20.tendency n.趋向;倾向;偏好→tend v.趋向;走向

21.reliable adj.可靠的;可信赖的;可依靠的→reliably adv.可靠地→rely v.依靠;信赖


1.at the mercy of 受……支配;任……处置

2.work out 计算出;制订出

3.as well as 也

4.rather than 而不是

5.in relation to 与……有关;涉及


1.How do_you_think seamen found their way before mordern accurate methods of navigation were invented?

2.We may well wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made_it_possible_to_plot_a_ship's_position_on_a_map.

3.This seems to_have_been the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk.

4.Nobody knew that the earth turns eastwards at about 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did_know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time.


This reading explains how seamen explored the oceans and what kind of __1__ (navigation) instruments were used to sailors __2__ the seventeenth century __3__ they were navigating the open seas without seeing land.The __4__ (voyage) of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not __5__ the mercy of the sea even though they did not have modern navigational aids.The seamen could use celestial bodies, wildlife, the weather or the sea __6__ (keep) alongside the coastline.They could also use __7__ compass to help find the direction that the ship needs to go.They could use the __8__ (bear) circle to measure the sun's position and tell if they were sailing on their correct rather than a random course.__9__ the astrolabe, the quadrant and the sextant could help give the seamen the local time and allowed them to find their latitude __10__ sea.

答案:1.navigational 2.before 3.when 4.voyages 5.at 6.to keep 7.the 8.bearing 9.While 10.at

Language Points

1.mercy n.仁慈;宽恕;怜悯

show mercy to sb.  怜悯某人

have mercy on 对……表示怜悯

without mercy 残忍地,毫无同情心地

at the mercy of 任凭……的摆布;在……的支配中

When they were young, they were taught to show mercy to those homeless people.


When the ship failed to work at sea, the sailors were at the mercy of the wind and the rain.当船在海上不能行进时,船员们任由风雨摆布。

merciful adj.       仁慈的;宽容的

merciless adj. 无情的;冷酷的

The slave owner was merciless and always treated his slaves without mercy.



 He is such a merciful man as always has_mercy_on those homeless animals, which are usually at_the_mercy_of the coldness and storm. But sometimes he shows_no_mercy_to those he doesn't like.




You must get a minimum of 40 questions right to pass the examination.你最少必须答对40道题才能通过考试。

The minimum pass mark in the examinations is 60 out of 100.考试的最低及格分数是100分中答对60分。


a minimum charge/price最低收费/价格






(1)The class needs a_minimum_of_six_students (最少6名学生) to continue.

(2)As an_absolute_minimum(绝对最低要求), you should spend two hours on the evening studying.

3.horizon n.[C]地平线;(常pl.)视野,眼界,见识

The sun sank below the horizon.太阳落到了地平线下。

on the horizon 在地平线上;很可能即将发生;已露端倪

broaden one's horizons开阔某人的眼界

She wanted to travel to broaden her horizons.她想旅行,以开阔眼界。


(1)A financial crisis is on_the_horizon (即将爆发).

(2)Taking part in school activities can broaden_our_horizons (开阔我们的眼界).

4.nowhere adv.无处,任何地方都不;无目的;无结果(放于句首时,句子要用倒装语序)

He is nowhere to be seen.任何地方都见不着他。

Nowhere is the book to be found.这本书在任何地方都找不着。


Nowhere is_the_effect_of_government_policy (政府政策的效果) more apparent than in agriculture.



Our house is secure from flood.我们的房子没有被淹的危险。

At last they were able to feel secure about the future.他们终于觉得不必为将来而担忧了。


Some measures are needed to secure the bank from a flood.这道堤防需要采取一些措施,免得被洪水冲坏。

securely adv.     牢固地,稳固地

security n. 保护措施,保安部门



The windows were_secured_with locks and bars.


She'd allowed herself into a_false_sense_of_security.

6.precise adj.准确的,精确的,明确的,细致的,认真的

Can you give a more precise definition of the word?你能给这个词下个更确切的定义吗?

Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness.医生们难以判定她的确切病因。

to be (more) precise (更)确切地说,准确地说

precisely adv. 准确地,恰好地

more precisely 更确切地说,更严格地说

This room is about 20 sqms — well,19.5 sqms,to be more precise.这个房间约20平方米,嗯,确切地说,19.5平方米。

比较accurate, precise, exact

(1)accurate准确的,无误的(=correct, free of mistake)。

(2)precise精密的,精确的(=exact in form, detail, measurements, time, etc)。

(3)exact确切的,准确的[=correct and without mistake (of things that can be measured)]。

用accurate, precise, exact填空

(1)She led rescuers to the exact spot where the injured climber was lying.

(2)There is no precise definition of a storm.

(3)We need to get more accurate information.

7.simplify v.使简化,使简易

The application forms have now been simplified.申请表格现已简化了。

I hope his appointment will simplify matters.我希望他被任命以后事情会好办一些。

simplification n.简化,简化的事物

simplicity n.简单(性),质朴,简单之处,方便

[形]simple 单一的(反义词complex合成的);简单的(反义词 complicated复杂的)

[动]simplify简化 反义词:complicate使复杂化

[名]simplicity简易性 反义词:complexity复杂性


(1)Complaints have led to (a)_simplification_of_rules/simplifying_rules (规则简化).

(2)This is a kind of simplified_version_of_the_story (故事简写本) for young children.

8.update v.使现代化,更新,向……提供信息

It's high time we updated our software.我们的软件应该更新了。

update sb.on sth.    向……提供最新信息

update on sth. 关于……的最新情况

I called the office to update them on the day's developments.我给办公室打电话告诉他们当天最新的发展。


He wrote a letter to me and updated_me_on (向我提供) the recent activities of himself.


1.work out算出,制定出,处理,解决

It'll work out cheaper to travel by bus.算起来还是乘公共汽车旅游便宜些。

Can you work out the problem?你能处理这个问题吗?

I couldn't work out where the music was coming from.我弄不清这音乐是从哪里传来的。

I have worked out a new way of doing it.我想出了做这事的一个新方法。

out of work      失业

at work 在工作;上班

He has been out of work for months.他失业已经好几个月了。

比较work at, work on, work out

(1)work at"从事于,致力于",强调从事创新活动,可与hard搭配。

(2)work on"从事于,致力于",强调恪守不变的持续性;一般只用于进行时或完成时。

(3)work out"解出,算出",强调结果。


(1)She was working on her hair in front of the mirror.

(2)You should work out a plan for study as soon as possible.

(3)If he goes on working hard at his lessons, he'll surely make progress.

2.be used to do sth. 被用来做某事

Cloth is used to make clothes.布料被用来做衣服。

get/become used to (doing) sth.逐渐习惯于(做)某事

used to 过去常常(做某事)

There used to be ... 过去常常有……

be used for ... 被用于……

be used as 被当作……来用

This room is used for reading. 这个房间用于阅读。

Don't be used as a tool by others. 别让他人当作工具使用。

比较used to do, be used to, be used to do

(1)used to do意为"过去常常做某事",表示过去习惯性的动作或经常存在的状态。

(2)be/get/become used to ...表示"习惯于……",to为介词,后接(动)名词。

(3)be used to do为被动语态,表示"被用来做某事"。



I've_got_used_to_living in the countryside.


This big box is_used_to_hold all her books.


Even the students who_used_to_dislike_English have turned out to be interested in the subject.

3.in relation to关于,和……相比

I have some comments to make in relation to this matter.关于这件事我有几点看法。

Its brain is small, in relation to its body.


have good relations with 与……保持着良好的关系

bear no relation to    与……没有关系

They have good relations with their neighbours.他们与邻居关系融洽。


(1)Tom has_good_relations_with (与……关系良好) his classmates.

(2)Unemployment here is high in_relation_to (与……相比) national levels.


1.How do_you_think seamen found their way before modern accurate methods of navigation were invented?你认为在现代准确的航海技术发明之前水手们是怎样航行的?

本句是含有do you think的双重疑问句;其结构为:特殊疑问词+do you think+其他成分。

Which do you think was easier to work out; latitude or longitude?你认为经度和纬度哪一个更容易算出来?


(2)do you know后接特殊疑问句时不需要把特殊疑问词提前。



What_do_you_think_is the most difficult in learning English?

2.We may well wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made_it_possible_to_plot_a_ship's_position_on_a_map.


本句为"make+it+adj.+to do sth."结构,it为形式宾语,代替不定式to plot a ship's position on a map;possible为宾语补足语;不定式为真正的宾语。类似用法的动词还有find, believe, think等。it除代替不定式作宾语外,还可以代替宾语从句。

Sometimes he found it very hard to like Fellows.有时他觉得很难喜欢弗洛斯。

She soon found it possible to do this regularly.很快她发现经常干这事是有可能的。

I believe it necessary that you learn a second language.我认为你学习第二外语是必要的。



Therefore, I think_it_necessary for the Chinese language to_take_in more English words and even from other languages.


Soon after, there are two entrances to the parking places, making_it_easier_for_us_to_enter it now.

3.This seems to_have_been the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk.


to have done为不定式的完成时态,表示发生在谓语动词所表达的动作之前的动作。动词不定式的完成时态的被动式为to have been done。

It's not like her to have missed two days of classes.缺两天课这样的事不像是她干的。

We were proud to have been praised for finding the cave carvings.我们为我们被表扬发现了岩洞雕刻而感到骄傲。


(1)Robert is said to_have_studied (study) abroad, but I don't know which country he studied in.

(2)A bus full of passengers was reported to_have_gone (go) out of control on a highway south of the city.

4.Nobody knew that the earth turns eastwards at about 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did_know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time.



Do come here this evening.今晚一定要来。

Tom does study hard now.现在汤姆确实学习很努力。

He did write to you last week.上周他确实给你写信了。


(1)However, an terrible accident did_happen (的确发生了) yesterday.

(2)He does_like (确实喜欢) singing and he is popular in our class.

Section Ⅲ

Learning about Language


1.parcel n.小包;包裹

2.cliff n.悬崖;峭壁

3.expedition n.远征;探险(队)→expeditionary adj.远征的;探险的

4.compulsory adj.必须做的;必修的

5.reform n.改革;革新


1.far away from  远离

2.next to 仅邻着

3.be determined to do sth. 决定做某事

4.set out 出发;动身

5.so as to 为了(做)

6.owing to 由于

7.be recognized as 被认定为


1.Once_there,_it shook itself and threw Samuel in the approximate direction of the nest.

2.There_seemed_to_be_nowhere_to_hide but then he noticed lots of seaweed on his left and quickly hid under it.

3.He had not_only an outstanding ability in navigation and exploration, but_also a real concern for sailors' health.


The Predicate(谓语动词)

1.compulsory adj.必须做的;必修的;被强迫的,义务的

Is English a compulsory subject?


Education is compulsory in Britain.


compulsory adj.强制的optional adj.可任选的

It is compulsory for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事是必须的

Chinese is a compulsory subject on this course; art is optional.


According to the rules and regulations of our school, it is compulsory for us students to live in the dormitories of our school.



(1)Education_is_compulsory (教育是义务) for all children in many countries.

(2)It is compulsory_for_us_to_fasten_the_safety_belt (对我们来说系安全带是必须的) while driving.



His speech stressed the importance of educational reform.他的演讲强调了教育改革的重要性。

I read about your reform of the school English newspaper, and that's why I'm writing to voice my opinion.我获悉了你对英语校报的改革方案,那就是我写信发表观点的原因。


I must work and reform myself.我得下功夫改造自己。



Our victory has given us a chance to_reform.


Many are for/in_favour_of_the_reform.

1.be determined to do"决定/心做某事",为系表结构,着重于有决心的状态,可与表示一段时间的状语连用。

He is determined to become a teacher.他决心当一名教师。

I am determined to do better than Mike.我决心比迈克做得更好。

determine to do/that ...  [动作]决定……

He determined to set out early.他决定早点动身。


(1)He started working hard at his lessons,determined (determine) to get the first place.

(2)He said he determined to_leave (leave) at once.

2.set out出发,动身

They set out on the last stage of their journey.他们动身踏上最后一段行程。

set out to do sth.     开始做某事

set about doing sth. 开始做某事

She sets out to break the world record.她一心努力打破世界纪录。

He set about helping homeless women and children to places of safety.他着手帮助把无家可归的妇女和儿童送到安全的地区。


(1)That evening she set_about writing the report and finish it within three hours.

(2)He will set_out on a pleasant journey tomorrow morning.

3.so as to为了……

He got up early so as to catch the early bus.


比较so as to, in order to

(1)两者均为动词不定式作目的状语时的特殊结构。so as to不能位于句首;in order to既可位于句首,也可位于句中或句末。

(2)两者均可扩展为结果状语从句,即so that­从句或in order that­从句。同样so that­从句不能位于句首。


We do morning exercises so as to build our body

(1)In_order_to build our body, we do morning exercises.

(2)We do morning exercises so_that we could build our body.

(3)We do morning exercises in_order_that we could build our body.

4.owing to由于,因为

They could not cross the river owing to the flood.由于洪水,他们不能过河。

Owing to the bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.由于天气恶劣,航班延误了好几个小时。

because of      因为(较口语化)

due to 因为(较正式)

thanks to 因为;多亏了

as a result of 因为

on account of 由于


Because of his careless driving, we had a bad accident.

→Owing_to his careless driving, we had a bad accident.

5.be recognized as被认定为

Bell is recognized as the first person to invent the telephone.贝尔被认定为发明电话的第一人。

recognize sb./one's voice/handwriting认出某人/某人的声音/字迹

recognize one's mistake  承认某人的错误

recognize sb.as/to be ... 承认某人是……

I have known him for ten years.But I didn't recognize him just now because he had changed so much.




We haven't seen for a long time, and I didn't_recognize_you_ at the first sight.


Lawrence's novel was_eventually_recognized_as_ a work of genius.

1.Once_there,_it shook itself and threw Samuel in the approximate direction of the nest.


once there是状语从句once it was there的省略形式。在状语从句中, 经常见到这种省略现象。若(时间、条件、地点、让步、方式或比较等)状语从句能够满足以下两个条件,从句就可以使用省略形式:

(1)恰当的从属连词。常用的有when, where, if, once, while, as, as if, though, whenever, than等;


I'll go and pick you up if (it is) necessary.如有必要,我开车去接你。

She picked up some English when (she was) in Washington.在华盛顿时,他学了些英语。

The conference went smoothly though (it was) not organized properly.尽管会议组织得不好,却很顺利。

When (she was) asked about her families, she began to weep.当问到她的家庭时,她开始抽泣。


(1)If it is so, I hope you will have a wonderful time.

→If_so,_I hope you will have a wonderful time.

(2)Although they were faced with many problems, they didn't lose heart.

→Although_faced_with_many_problems,_they didn't lose heart.

(3)While we were climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful view.

→While_climbing_the_mountain,_we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful view.

2.There_seemed_to_be_nowhere_to_hide but then he noticed lots of seaweed on his left and quickly hid under it.


There seems/appears to be ...看起来好像有……

there be结构中可以加上一些词表示特殊的意义,类似的还有:

There must be ...     一定有……

There may be ... 可能有……

There happens to be ... 碰巧有……

There used to be ... 过去常有……

There is going to be ... 将要有……

There will be ... 将会有……

What a pity my new computer doesn't work.There must be something wrong with it.


There happened to be a lot of people by the road helping us pull the car out of the big hole.


There seems to be something wrong with it.它好像有点儿毛病。

[注意] (1)不能用has或have代替there be句型中的be。

(2)there being结构在句中作状语,相当于一个状语从句,因此主句中就不再用任何连词。

There being no bus, we had to walk to school.



(1)There has a baby over there.


(2)There being no further business, so the chairman closed the meeting.


(3)There is report to be a number of the wounded on both sides.


3.He had not_only an outstanding ability in navigation and exploration, but_also a real concern for sailors' health.


not only ...but also"不但……而且……",连接并列主语时,谓语动词要和临近的主语在人称和数上保持一致;连接谓语动词时,not前不可有助动词;连接分句时,若not only位于句首,not only分句要用倒装语序。

Not only you but also I am responsible for it.不仅你而且我对此也有责任。

On the contrary, smart phones not only take up our valuable time, but also do great harm to our health.相反,智能手机不仅占去了我们宝贵的时间,而且对我们的健康造成极大危害。

As far as I am concerned, not only will her generosity help those in need realize their dreams and rebuild faith in life, but also it will motivate more people to participate in such a good deed.依我看来,她的慷慨不仅能帮助那些处于困境的人实现梦想、重拾生活信心,而且还能激励更多人参加这样的一个善举。


(1)Not only did_they_bring (他们带) snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.

(2)Not only his parents but also Tom likes_playing_computer_games (喜欢玩电脑游戏).


谓 语 动 词





After that, I regained my enthusiasm for English and spent much more time and energy working on this particular subject.



Mr.Schell wrote New York Times a letter the other day.

几天前Schell 先生给《纽约时报》写了一封信。

③宾语+宾语补足语(常用于使役动词、感官动词、介词with, without, like以及其他部分动词后面。)

Have you found English difficult to speak?你发现英语难说吗?

The big pine tree stood there like an umbrella covering the house.



In order to keep fit, we should exercise regularly.为了身体健康,我们应该经常锻炼。

All the leaves have fallen and winter is coming.



They are living a peaceful life.他们过着平静的生活。

He died a heroic death.他死得很英勇。

The girl laughed a merry laugh.女孩愉快地笑了。

He sighed a deep sigh.他深叹了一口气。



They have remained loyal to the government.他们一直忠诚于政府。

The watch is necessary in our daily life, but its function is too simple and dull.




Please put on your coat.请穿上大衣。


The other day I came across a foreigner in the countryside.几天前我在乡下碰见了一个外国人。


Please keep up with others.请跟上其他人。


In my opinion, we can share information with each other to make a better understanding.依我来看,我们可以信息共享,以便更好地沟通。





Three months has passed since you left.(three months被看作一个时间整体,表示单数概念。)你已离开三个月了。

The old are taken very good care of in our city.(the old指所有的老年人,指一类人,表示复数概念。)在我们城市老年人被照顾得很好。



Mr.Black is a well­known scientist on AIDS.布莱克先生是著名的艾滋病科学家。

These books are intended for children under nine years old.这些书是专门为九岁以下的儿童设计的。


就近一致原则是指谓语动词的变化是以靠近谓语动词的主语部分而定。常见的结构有"not only ...but also ..., neither ... nor ..., either ...or ..."等。

Neither his parents nor he himself is a bank clerk.(根据靠近谓语的主语he而定。)他父母和他本人都不是银行职员。

Not Jack but his parents are to blame for the home accident.(根据靠近谓语的主语his parents而定。)不是杰克而是他父母应为这个家庭事故受到责备。

Section Ⅳ

Using Language


1.survival_n.生存;幸存→survive v.幸存,幸免于

2.incident n.事件;事变→incidental adj.次要的

3.departure n.出发;离开→depart v.离开;出发

4.crew n.(轮船、飞机等上的)工作人员;(工作)队

5.deposit vt.放;(把钱)存入银行

6.dilemma n.进退两难的局面

7.routine n.常规;日常事务

8.drawback n.缺点;障碍

9.starvation n.挨饿;饿死→starve v.挨饿;饿死

10.psychology n.心理学→psychologically adv.心理上地;心理学地

11.tension n.紧张;不安;张力→tense adj.令人紧张的

12.gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的→gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地

13.foresee vt.预见;预知

14.thirst n.渴,口渴→thirsty adj.渴的

15.tear vt.扯破;撕破→tear n.泪水;眼泪

16.hardship n.困苦;艰难→hard adj. 困难的

17.roar v.咆哮;轰鸣→roaring adj.轰鸣的


1.take over        接管

2.be caught in 遭遇到

3.in addition 此外,另外

4.after all 毕竟;终究

5.cope with 成功地对付;应付

6.take one's mind off 使某人的注意力离开……

7.set loose 出发;开始

8.jaws of death 鬼门关


You could not imagine a more disturbing sight than what we looked like when arriving in Timor over forty days after being set loose in our small boat.


原因与结果(Cause & effect)

Why are you ...?    How could you ...?

Why did you ...? Because of ...

It was because ... The reason is that ...

As/Since he ...

Now that ... Therefore ...

It was due to ... It is ..., so I'm afraid ...

That's why ...

He ..., so he is ill with fever after the voyage.

1.survival n.[U,C]生存,幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物

The man's survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.这个人能活下来真是出人意料,因为医生们认为他必死无疑。

We need food and water for survival.我们为了生存需要食物和水。

survive v.  大难不死,死里逃生;比……活得长

survivor n. 幸存者

Only a few soldiers survived the battle.那次战斗中只有少数士兵幸存。

He died in 1940 but his wife survived him by another 20 years.他在1940年逝世,但他的妻子比他多活了20年。

[注意] survive本身已表示"幸存,幸免于",后面不能再接in或from。


(1)In these jungle areas, every day is a fight for_survival (为生存).

(2)When the plane crashed, there were more than 80 passengers on board and no_one_survived (无一幸免).

2.incident n.[C]事件,事变;事情,小事

The demonstration proceeded without incident.游行示威中没有出事。

He could remember every trivial incident in great detail.他能把每件小事的细节都记得很清楚。

比较event, affair, accident, incident, business


What were the chief events of last year?去年主要的大事是什么?


He is seen to be unreliable on foreign affairs.他被认为在外交事务上是不可信赖的。


How did the accident happen?这起事故怎么发生的?


July 7th Incident七七事变


It was a mistake to go into business with my brother.和我兄弟一起经商是个错误。


(1)This was the educational event of the year.

(2)They had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of that country.

(3)Leave me alone, mind your own business.

(4)His parents were unluckily killed in the traffic accident.

(5)He is often troubled by quite ordinary incidents of daily life.

3.departure n.出发,启程,背离,违反

Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure.航班应在起飞前48小时予以确认。

Their latest single disc represents a new departure for the band.他们最新出版的单曲唱片体现了这支乐队的新尝试。

departure from    从……出发

a departure from sth. 对……的违反,逾越,背离

depart vi.离开,出发;背离,违反;离去分离

What he said departed from the truth.他说的话背离事实。

The train departs for Paris at noon.这列火车中午开向巴黎。


(1)His_sudden_departure (他的突然离去) threw the office into chaos.

(2)They had received no news of him since_his_departure_from_the_island (自从他离开这个岛后).

4.crew n.


The plane had seventy passengers and a crew of ten.飞机上有70名乘客及10名机务人员。

None of the passengers and crew were injured.没有一个乘客和机务人员受伤。

[注意] crew作主语时,如看作整体,谓语用单数;如看作成员们,谓语用复数。

The crew on board was small.船上的船员为数很少。

The crew were busy preparing.机务人员正忙着准备。

(2)v. 充当(尤指船上的)工作人员

Men are needed to crew the lifeboat.需要有人来做救生艇的船员。


(1)All the crews and passengers are not in danger.


(2)This film crew are hardworking.




She deposited her money in the bank.她把钱存在银行里。

When the river is in flood, it deposits a layer of mud on the fields.当河水泛滥时,便在田野上沉积一层泥。

deposit sth.with sb. 把某物寄存在某人处

You can deposit your luggage with a friend of yours.你可以将行李寄存在朋友处。


We've put down a 5% deposit on the house.我们已支付了房款的5%作为订金。


They normally ask you to pay£_100_as_a_deposit (付100英镑作为订金).

6.dilemma n.[C]进退两难(的局面/境地),困境,进退维谷

be in a dilemma    处于进退两难的境地

The doctor was in a dilemma whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not.医生进退两难,不知道是否该把病人的真实病情告诉他。

I am in a dilemma whether to do maths or English.我左右为难,不知是做数学还是写英语。


When you are_in_a_dilemma (处于进退两难的境地), try to keep yourself calm.

7.routine n.[U,C]常规,日常事务

Teachers in our school will have a routine medical examination on Teacher's Day.在教师节我们学校的教师要进行常规的体检。

I arrive at nine o'clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my morning routine.我九点钟到,教课教到十二点半,然后吃饭;那是我上午的例行作法。

daily routine     日常工作,例行公事


(1)Make exercise a part of your daily_routine (日常生活).

(2)We clean and repair the machine as_a_matter_of_routine (作为一项常规之事).

8.starvation n.饥饿,挨饿

Millions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought.由于发生旱灾,明年将有数百万人面临饥饿的威胁。

starve v.        (使)挨饿,饿死,缺乏……

be starved to death 饿死

starve for ... 渴望……

He is starving for making fortune.



(1)In some areas, there are still some persons starved (starve) to death.

(2)Don't waste any food; just think about people dying of starvation (starve).

9.tension n.[U,C]紧张(状态),不安;拉紧;压力,张力

The tension in the Far East is building up again.中东的形势又逐步紧张起来。

There is often a tension between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employees.


We laughed and that helped ease the tension.我们笑了,因而使紧张的情绪缓和下来。


(1)Family_tension (家庭的紧张关系) may lead to violence.

(2)Take a deep breath and relieve your nervous_tension (紧张的状态).

(3)The government is doing its best to ease_the_tension (缓和紧张局势) in that area.

10.foresee v.预料,预知

We don't foresee any problems.我们预料不会出任何问题。

Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.在走向成功的路途中能够预见到困难的人在困难真正出现的时候常常能保持冷静的态度。


(1)It_is_impossible_to_foresee (不可能预知) how life will work out.

(2)No one could_have_foreseen (能预料到)that things would turn out this way.

11.thirst n.[U]渴,渴望

The soldiers died of thirst in the desert.士兵们在沙漠中干渴而死。

have a thirst for      对……渴望

He had a great thirst for knowledge.他有强烈的求知欲。

thirsty adj.     渴的,口渴的,渴望(求)的

be thirsty for sth. 渴望,渴求……

Thirsty and hungry, we decided not to wait any longer.又渴又饿,我们决定不再等了。



①He has_a_thirst_for exploring different cultures in other countries.

②He is_thirsty_for exploring different cultures in other countries.

12.tear v.扯破,撕破,撕毁

You've torn a hole in your pants.你这条裤子给划了一道口子。

tear ...open      撕开

tear ... a part/into pieces/halves撕毁/撕成碎片/两半

tear at 撕扯

tear oneself away from 忍痛离开

tear down 拆毁

tear up 撕碎

She was so angry that she tore up the letter.她太生气了以至于撕毁了这封信。

Nowadays,children can't tear themselves away from the computer games.当今,儿童难以割舍电脑游戏。


Tears in her eyes, she tore her boyfriend's letter into pieces.眼含着泪,她把男朋友的信撕成了碎片。



(1)She tore_up_his_letter (撕碎他的信) and threw it away.

(2)Lister grabbed the envelope and tore it open (撕开) to see if he'd got the job.

13.hardship n.[U,C]艰难困苦

People suffered many hardships during that long winter.在那个漫长的冬季,人们吃了很多苦头。

It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening.在这么一个宜人的傍晚步行回家一点也不辛苦。


(1)The old man's face showed the_hardship_all_through_his_life (他一生的困苦).

(2)It_is_not_a_hardship_but_a_pleasure (不是一件苦差事而是一件快乐的事情) to learn English well.

1.take over接管,占上风,取而代之

Try not to let negative thoughts take over.


take in  收留,欺骗,吸入,注意到;理解

take on 雇用,呈现,接纳(乘客)

take up 占据(时间、空间等),开始从事

Our company has taken on a new look.



(1)Roger took_up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

(2)His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.

(3)Our hometown took_on a new look.

(4)Don't be_taken_in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.

2.be caught in遭遇到,被……抓到

She was caught in a thunderstorm.她遭遇了雷雨。

She was torn between study and football, so she was caught in a dilemma.


be dressed in     穿着……

be lost in 着迷……

be determined to do 决定做……

be buried in 忙于……


Buried in his work, he even didn't notice me.



(1)Caught_in_a_big_rain (遭遇到大雨), we had to stop for a moment.

(2)He only stood there, lost_in_thought (陷入沉思).

3.in addition 此外,相当于besides

In addition, you should respect all the teachers who unselfishly help you to gain much knowledge.另外,你应该尊重所有那些无私帮助你获得很多知识的老师们。

比较in addition, in addition to

(1)in addition另外(=as well,相当于副词用法)。

In addition,the owner of the land may charge an extra fee.


(2)in addition to除……之外(还)(=as well as,相当于介词)。

In addition to swimming, she likes tennis.



(1)In_addition_to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration.

(2)There was an earthquake and, in_addition,_there were tidal waves.

4.after all毕竟,终究,别忘了

Why not be kind to her?After all, she is your friend.


Though it was raining heavily, we went to the seaside after all.


[注意] after all位于句首,强调看法,意为"须知""毕竟",位于句末,表示语气转折,意为"尽管""然而"。

in all        总计

all in all 总的说来

all along 一直,始终

all over 到处

above all 首先,最重要的是

at all 全然,究竟,到底

All in all, traveling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges.




You shouldn't have scolded the boy at_all,_he is a child after_all;_above_all,_he made only two mistakes in_all.

5.cope with对付,应付

She is not a competent driver and can't cope with driving in heavy traffic.


比较cope with, deal with

(1)cope with意为"有效地或成功地对付或应付"。

A family and a full time job is a lot to cope with.


(2)deal with只是采取行动去对付某人或某事,并不考虑能否成功。

Who's dealing with the Glaxo account?



(1)The system can cope_with up to 40 terminals.

(2)He's trying to deal_with the matter.

6.take one's mind off ...使某人的注意力离开……

The mother took the boy's mind off the pain by showing him a toy.


keep sb.'s mind on专心于,把注意力集中于

put sb.'s mind to 专心于

Please keep your mind on your studies.请专心学习。


I decided to clean the car to take_my_mind_off (不再想) the events of the day.

You could not imagine a more disturbing sight than what we looked like when arriving in Timor over forty days after being set loose in our small boat.


not ...more是否定词与比较级连用表示最高级的用法,意思是"再怎么样也不过分,没有比这更……的了"。


No one could be better than him.没有人比他更好了。

I couldn't agree with you more.


You can't praise him more for saving the little girl.



(1)—How do you like the film?

—Very interesting. I have_never_seen_a_better_one (从来没看过比这更好的).

(2)I have_never_met_a_more_lovely_baby (从来没遇到过更可爱的小孩) than him.

如何写"Persuasive writing"



"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."

—Sir Winston Churchill








This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that _______________________




This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that we shouldn't get discouraged right after failures. Rather, we should keep trying with enthusiasm. Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.

At the age of twelve, I got a nice bike as a birthday gift. So excited was I that I couldn't wait to try my hand at riding it. However, it was harder than expected. The bike seemed too heavy and difficult to control. Worse still, I took many falls off the bike. I was about to give up when my father came and encouraged me to keep going. With more practice, I did better and better. Looking back, I feel I wouldn't be able to ride a bike had I lost heart.

Actually, we can't succeed in everything we try. What's important is that we should stick at it.



2.文章中的高级词汇:get discouraged; keep trying with enthusiasm; consist in; worse still;文章中的高级句型:so ... that ... 的倒装句;couldn't wait to; too ... to ...; be about to do when;现在分词短语作状语;虚拟语气;what引导的主语从句。

英语中persuasive writing类的文章相当于汉语中的说理性作文。这类文章可分为多种,其中之一是对立观点式,即给出两个对立的事物或者一个事物对立的两个方面,要求支持一方并进行说明。这种作文从结构上讲一般分为三部分:引导段、支撑段和结束段。







一、开头:提出问题或现象If you take notice in some public places, you will see the fact that many smokers are young people and even middle school students.It is said that in China about 45% of the people are smokers.

常见的比较正式的开头句型有:When it comes to .../Some think .../There is a public debate today on .../...is a common way of ..., but is it a wise one?/Recently the problem has been brought into focus./It is time we explored the truth of ...

二、提出观点Why do so many people smoke?Some think that smoking is a pleasure.Some even think that smoking can refresh them.

提出观点的句型有:Some think ..., others think .../Another equally important aspect is .../...is only one of the many .../Another is .../Besides, other views are ...

三、进行说理(文章的主体部分)In fact, smoking is a bad habit that does great harm to people's health.The study of smoking shows that many kinds of diseases have something to do with smoking.Smoking itself is a waste, which costs one so much money.Besides, fires are often caused by careless smokers.


1.提出假想例子:Suppose that .../Just imagine what would be like if .../It is not surprising that ...

2.举例子:For example/instance .../...such as .../A particular example for this is ...

3.引用:One of the greatest writers said .../As sb.said .../As was said by sb. ...

4.分析原因:There are many reasons for .../The above point is certainly true if .../Another reason why ...is ...

5.进行对比:The advantages of ... than those of .../I believe that there are far more advantages for .../Although ...enjoys a distinct advantage ...

四、结尾Today, more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking.If you are not a smoker, never start!

常见的结尾句型有:From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that .../In summary, it is wiser .../In short .../In my opinion ...


1.简要描述图片内容; 2.发表个人感想。







Many hands make light work

As we can see in the picture, there is a river and a group of ants. Some ants are working together to build an "ant bridge" so that their group members are able to cross the river and reach their final destination.

In my opinion, this picture vividly shows the importance of teamwork. It is impossible for a single ant to cross the river, but when they work together as a group, they can achieve their goals. Similarly in our life, an individual person cannot easily carry out a challenging task on his own without joining hands with others. In fact, there are a lot of occasions when teamwork is needed, such as ball games, project learning and even parties.

As long as every one of us combines our efforts, we can surely cross the "river" in our life, just like what the little ants do in the picture.